A dedicated number for you business

Get a second mobile number for your business with a customizable voicemail greeting, caller ID and a separate ringtone.

Get your number
Port your existing number

Accepted by all business apps and services.

SLYNUMBER is the only business phone number provider on the market to offer real mobile numbers - no SIM card required.

Providers such as: Google Voice, Burner, Hushed, Sideline, Phoner, Dingtone, and TextFree offer VoIP numbers

Stay orgnazied

Dedicated voicemails with custom greeting

A dedicated voicemail for your new business number, with a personalized voicemail greeting.

Customizable caller name

You can personalize the name that appears on the recipient's caller ID when you make calls using your new business number.

Separate ringtone

Pick a dedicated ringtone so you always know who's calling.

Run your business from any device

For the first time, you can make and receive phone calls on your iPad. Unlock the power of calls, and messaging, and activate any service you need from your iPad or your cell phone.
Optimized for iPad screens

Our latest release is flawlessly optimized for your iPad screen, regardless of whether it's held vertically or horizontally with a keyboard.

Inbound and outbound calling

SLYNUMBER app enables you to make calls directly from your iPad without any hassle. Simply dial within the app and you're good to go!


Pricing and plans

We're always transparent about our pricing. No hidden fees - ever! Purchase your second phone number online now!

3-Month Base Plan


Total billed: $14.99

Upon purchasing this plan, the following items are included:

Unlimited inbound calls
Unlimited inbound texts
100 outbound credits per month
Choose plan
Annual Plan


Upon purchasing this plan, the following items are included:

Unlimited inbound calls
Unlimited inbound texts
100 outbound credits per month
Choose plan


$10 for 1000 credits

This is a one-time purchase.

1 credit equals 1 text message
1 credit equals 1-min
phone call
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Business Phone Number App