Blog post

Member's experience

If you're an entrepreneur, you know how crucial it is to communicate effectively with your customers, partners, and suppliers. Managing one phone number for different purposes, like personal, work, sales, support, and so on, can be difficult. Having a second phone number is critical, and SLYNUMBER can help. In this article, we highlight what one of our members, Greg Kristan, says about using SLYNUMEBR for his business, The Stadium Reviews.


SLYNUMBER is a service that lets you create and use a second phone number on your existing smartphone. That's right, you don't need to buy a second phone to have a second mobile phone number. Instead, you download the app, choose the number you want, and then you are good to go. The best part of all is it is a true mobile number. Meaning, you can activate services with it like Paypal, Facebook or WhatsApp.

In fact, you can customize your SLYNUMBER phone to be for your business. For example, you can record a personalized voicemail that will play when someone gives you a call. That business voicemail can be between 5 and 60 seconds long. This is critical for the entrepreneur on the go since you can only sometimes pick up the phone.

Next, you can text directly from this number at no additional fee. Other services make you pay for texting, but not us. Instead, we put that technology into your hands so you can communicate with your audience directly.

A member's experience in detail

Greg Kristan is the owner of TM Blast and The Stadium Reviews. To help improve the user experience on both of his websites, he put an author box on every page displaying his phone number to contact him, which became a problem. The first problem was that Greg immediately got more calls to his business number but didn't know which business they were calling about when the phone would ring. The second problem was that his business phone number had a voicemail greeting for TM Blast, which would confuse people who were calling about The Stadium Reviews. This confusion for Greg and his audience became a more significant problem daily. What was supposed to make it easier to contact him quickly became a headache.

To fix this problem, Greg purchased SLYNUMBER in November to get a new phone number for his business, The Stadium Reviews. He put that phone number in the author box on every page and the phone icon at the top, which made it easy for his community to reach him about the bag policy or parking at a venue. For any call where Greg can't pick up the phone, there is now a personalized voicemail greeting stating his name and business, so there is clarity. When he sees his SLYNUMBER ringing, he knows that this is someone looking for assistance on a game they will be attending.

"I've been using SLYNUMBER for a month and truly love it. The app is easy to use, allowing me to have a third phone number on the same device, which helps keep me organized. Since I added my author box to my sports and consulting website at the top of every page, I've been getting more phone calls. When I see the SLYNUMEBR app call, I know they are calling about that sports business. Now I can pick up if I can or let it go to voicemail and know that they will hear my custom greeting." – Greg Kristan

What are the other benefits of a second phone number for entrepreneurs?

• It helps you separate your personal and professional life. When the phone rings, you will know whether this call is for your business.

• You will have a dedicated voicemail for that second number.

• It enhances your brand image and credibility. You can take the example from Greg Kristan, who showcases his number in his author's bio to make it easy for people to reach out to him.

• SLYNUMBER gives you the ability to text directly from that number. As an entrepreneur on the go, you can text your clients and customers if you cannot call them back. Listen to the voicemail that they send and text them a response.

• The price point of SLYNUMBER is one of the lowest in the market


SLYNUMBER is more than just a second phone number. It's a powerful tool to help you grow your business and connect with your customers more efficiently. Whether you're a freelancer, a solopreneur, or a small business owner, SLYNUMBER can help you take your communication to the next level.

If you want to try Slynumber for yourself, you can sign up for a free trial today and get access to all the features and benefits of having a second phone number for your business. Visit to learn more and get started.

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