How to Cancel Your SLYNUMBER Subscription
Do you need to cancel your subscription? Here's how:
Android Users:
The subscription must be cancelled through your Google Play account by visiting this link:

Unfortunately, since we do not have access into Google Play’s system, we are unable to cancel the Google based subscription for you. If you're having trouble doing so, here's where you can contact the Google Support Team for more help
iOS Users:
The subscription must be cancelled through your Apple subscriptions account by visiting this link

Unfortunately, since we do not have access into Apple's system, we are unable to cancel the Apple based subscription for you. If you're having trouble doing so, here's where you can contact the Apple Support Team for more help
Web App Users:
If you've made a purchase directly from the SLYNUMBER website, your subscription can be cancelled by following the steps outline below. For all refund requests or additional questions please email us at
I'm not sure what type of subscription I have?
If you're unable to cancel or don't know what type of subscription you're on, just contact us at and we'll be able to direct you on which route to take once we see your account.

In addition please make sure to stop your subscription and fill out our cancellation policy from within the app by following the steps below:
How to Delete Your SLYNUMBER Account
Once you cancelled your subscription plan you have the option of deleting your SLYNUMBER account as well. All data collected during the sign up process will be deleted upon deletion of the account.

Only data required by law to be kept will be stored.